
Four Top Reasons You Need a Loss Adjuster in Achieving Premium Customer Experience

By: Edrol Napitupulu


The modern general insurance industry especially in fire insurance or property insurance business may traced back in 17 centuries. It was about 6 centuries ago, first recognized in London market in 1680 known later as Lloyd’s of London though the oldest insurance company established known as Hamburg Fire Office in 1676.


In Indonesia, the general insurance company established by the Dutch and British people known as Bataviaasche Zee en Brand-Assurantie Maatschappij. This insurance company engaged in the trade and plantation sector was establish in 1843 in Jakarta.  The company was covered any risks that caused by fires and risks of transporting commodities. Whilst the first fire insurance in Indonesia, namely PT Llyod Indonesia was established in 1853. All the general insurance company whether by Dutch or Indonesia was started in early 19 centuries. 


Thus, the modern general insurance business in global market and Indonesia market has introduced around 5 – 6 centuries ago. 


Over the last centuries ago, in order to survive in the general insurance company required not only the prudent underwriter but the most used or applied of the law of large numbers. In simple way, the good general insurance company should ensure to gain large income from the premium. The large amount of premiums may result in state of good profitability from the accepting more good risks and acquired multiple policies from a single customer or from large numbers of customers. 


However, the recent information and technology has created unique approach to any industry involved with human or people skills especially in modern general industry. The commercial industry whether supply product or provide service is now rated for their big monetary capital but also now for their user or customer experience or we can say their big social capital.


The modern general insurance company is the most prone to the insurance claim in daily basis though in reality may in hourly basis in large number. Different with the social insurance or life insurance that mostly dealt the insurance claim in relatively lower than general insurance.


So, in order for the general insurance company nowadays is they requires more than great premium income plus big assets. The great general insurance company should have a great responsibility to achieve a premium customer experience in unique selling product as well as the claim service.


Premium claim service requires four factors of successful customer experience such as prioritize good communication in claim process, accurate claim analysis, good quality of the claim reporting, and speedy and proper handling loss.  


These four factors may easy to achieve since they are the part of the main role and responsibility of the loss adjuster in the claim service especially for complex and substantial loss.

Four reason of the loss adjusters meets the premium customer experience as follows:

  1. Loss adjuster is trained and learn by experience to have people skills so they are able to be a person equipped with diplomatic, chivalrous, clever, persuasive, of an equable temper, and slow to anger. Most of all, he must be able to perform as a communicative person, a good listener, with honest eyes and willing hands to help the insurance company and their customer settle the claim in a good manner.
  2. Loss adjuster is qualified in understand insurance, electricity, chemistry, mechanics, physics, bookkeeping, banking, merchandising, selling, shipping, contracting, law, medicine, real estate, and human nature in order to gain accurate claim analysis.
  3. Loss adjuster is acquainted with machinery of all types and materials of all kinds and he must know the current prices of everything, from a shoe-string to a sky-scraper. In addition, with good training of report writing may result in a good claim reporting
  4. For substantial or catastrophe loss, the loss adjuster has resources for providing rapid and professional response within hours to meet the insurance customer’s needs. Nevertheless, the experienced all-around loss adjuster may able to assess the substantial loss and bundles of claim documents in relative short than the insurance claim staff. 


These four reasons to hire a loss adjuster are not the only ones. If you are unsure how a licensed and highly skilled loss adjuster can assist you, you should find a reputable company that can answer your questions and explain its procedures. You may be surprised at how much easier some of the more challenging aspects of your claim service can be with the help of a loss adjuster.


If you need to hire an experienced loss adjuster, contact Axis Loss Adjuster. We have over more than 30 years’ experience in various general insurance and catastrophic claims and a first-class team of discrete, passionate professionals with backgrounds in a multiple disciplinary not limited to engineering or law. 


Edrol Napitupulu

Loss Adjusting Activist

Jakarta, Indonesia


Axis loss adjuster examines fire loss (Photo by: Edrol Napitupulu)

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