
Urgency for Electric Vehicle Insurance in Indonesia

By: Edrol Napitupulu


One of my acquaintances shared a story of an acquaintance. Just mention the name of my friend’s acquaintance, Dharma. Dharma has just returned from the Asian Conference on electric vehicles. He shared stories in various countries about the risk of electric cars.


The biggest risk for electric cars is the risk of battery and the risk of collisions.


The risk of a battery if there is a broken cell or a short circuit then the car becomes helpless and cannot even open the door because the sensor is dead and can even make the battery burn or even burn the car.


Then if the battery experiences excessive heat, say when parking in hot temperatures in the house or field or being repassed can burn alone and even burn the garage of the house to the owner’s house. Generally, the electric car maker urges electric cars not to be parked in the house.


The risk of electric cars when a collision can make a short circuit battery and the car door cannot be opened even in various cases of electric cars a collision tends to burn or completely damaged.


Of course, with this risk, it makes me and maybe you are also thinking about the use of electric cars.

Indeed, the government is currently providing a kind of subsidy for people who buy electric cars. It is better to purchase products such as electric cars packaged with special risk insurance.


This is an opportunity for reinsurance and insurance companies in Indonesia to ensure the safety and safety of many people, especially in urban areas with densely populated homes and lack of parking lots outside the home. Not to mention traffic jams on the highway with hot tropical temperatures of Indonesia are not impossible to fail the battery cooler can cause the risk of fire on the streets and grabbed the object around it.


The Indonesian government as a policy maker should be required to attach special insurance for a minimum of 3 years for electric cars as a guarantee of safety on the highway and at home or at a charging or parking station.


So far in Indonesia there is only a policy on Indonesian motor vehicle insurance standard. There is no special insurance policy for electric vehicles. This is the right momentum to arise the urgency for electric vehicle insurance discus and implemented in the Indonesian government regulation regarding the supply and subsidy of the electric cars.


Edrol Napitupulu

Insurance Storyteller

Jakarta, Indonesia


Electric Vehicle Insurance (Illustration by Edrol Napitupulu)

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